Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

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Filed under School by at 6:17 pm on Nov 02 2008

We did get a new professor last week. I think he got a taste of why we can’t keep a professor… we all spent a good hour hashing out the situation. Whiners whined, and I got called out as some kind of jackass, once I tried to get things straight. I am holding out a strong hope that half the class withdraws and asks for their money back as they were threatening to do.

I studied with my buddy two nights this week but it was slow going. I really hate this semester. I keep trying for that joy of learning feeling, but it is elusive. I’ve never been a great self-teacher. I don’t know if that’s something to be ashamed of or what, but I just do better when I have a leader, a teacher, and a structure. Most drummers supposedly teach themselves, for instance. It never occurred to me not to get lessons.  When I was working as a network tech, I was screwed maybe from the beginning because there was plenty of “here’s the book, try to know it” business.I have so many friends who operate that way and I have a great respect for that. I wish I worked that way.

I’m not really that discouraged and I’m sure we’ll have a new syllabus and plan tomorrow at class. Last week brought more anxiety due to obvious hostility from classmates than anything else. Ah, well. a mere 6 weeks left.

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