Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

Simple Shoes, Hear My Prayer

Filed under stuff by at 1:11 pm on Jun 03 2009

Sometimes you find that your brand loyalty pays off. Usually, you hope it pays off in the sense that the company for whom you have a slavish devotion continues to make the product that earned them your devotion in the first place. Sometimes though, it doesn’t work that way, and you wear shoes until they fall apart. I am well on my way with my first pair of Simple shoes, the Argyle Tenny.

It seems like no matter where I go, when I wear these shoes people compliment them. Girls in my band, my tattoo artist, random passers-by, everyone loves these shoes. So I want to publicly entreat the people at Simple to please, please make these argyle shoes again. I know these are an earlier model, with the funny orange footbed that no one liked but me. You can make improvements. But argyle is never a bad thing! Surely you would have yet another hit on your hands? You could send them to me without laces, and I would reuse the ones I have!

Oh, sure, Simple. You probably know that in the absence of argyle, I will get the gingham shoes you currently have anyways. You probably know that you already have a dedicated customer so you don’t have to try too hard at this point. On the other hand, over time you’ve probably only gotten about $240 from me, which, while not insignificant to me, probably is a pretty trifling portion of your overall income. Nevertheless, what can one do but try, in this modern world of interactive web marketing stuff.

In case y’all out there don’t know about Simple, they work hard to make their shoes in fair and sustainable ways, trying always to find the right materials, be that recycled tires or organic cotton.

In the interest of sustainability and reuse, I also welcome suggestions on how to rejuvenate these shoes! The lining is disintegrating, and is trying to come out, making the inside of the shoe rub against my foot. I’m not really sure what to do about that. I could try to hand-sew in a new liner, but I am not sure what I’d sew it to!

3 Responses to “Simple Shoes, Hear My Prayer”

  1. 1 Genieon 03 Jun 2009 at 2:04 pm

    I was admiring your shoes this weekend as well, but I think my feet are too narrow for them. I had a pair of green ones and as lovely as they were they just were too wide for me. Then again, I have freakishly narrow and “low volume” feet for them being so long. :)


  2. 2 Meganon 03 Jun 2009 at 3:13 pm

    Ah, the love of a perfect pair of shoes. This I understand very well. I will agree that the argyle Simple Tenny is well worth re-making. But that gingham one is pretty cute too . .. . .


  3. 3 Angela @ Lost In Splendoron 03 Jun 2009 at 8:01 pm

    I love Simple shoes! I just tried to buy 3 pairs, but they all sold out before I could. Boo.

    I hope they start making yours again. Cute!


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