Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

Purge Thursday: One In, One Out

Filed under Purge Thursday by at 10:10 pm on Jan 15 2009

This weekend I definitely made some negative progress on my purging efforts in the form of a shopping spree. Fortunately it took place at two thrift stores and a Ross, thus having the least impact on my pocket. Unfortunately, it also meant I brought more stuff in the house in the form of clothes and a winter coat.

Jack already has a hit out on my coat collection. It pains him to no end that when our friends come over, we can’t let them hang coats on our coat hanging dealie because… well because it’s already full of my coats.

So when I brought in this new frickin’ sweet Hello Kitty brown winter coat (no really, it’s sweet! also pure, innocent…), I was ready: “Jack-I-promise-to-get-rid-of-one-of-my-coats-Iloveyou!!!” But of course then I had to decide on one. I should probably get rid of half of them (they don’t fit, duh) but I can’t bear to part with them yet. Maybe in the summer it will be easier. But I do have this used letter jacket that seems to be disintegrating. It goes!!

I got it at an antique mall because a) I’d never had a letter jacket and I thought it was flattering and b) it was conveniently in my high school’s colors and had the year of my graduation embroidered on it and c) I just was hoping someone would run up to me yelling, “Angie Balser!!!” That never happened. Someone with more time can probably fix the stitching on it and be a little warmer. It gets donated.

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