Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

Purge Thursday: Adieu Fondue

Filed under Purge Thursday by at 8:14 am on Jan 08 2009

There is the fact that fondue is a cleaning-intensive food project. There is the fact that my ownership of this fondue set was the product of an acrimonious breakup with a fiance eight years ago who for whatever reason really fought me over this fondue set. There is the fact that I haven’t used it once since I somehow won it in said breakup. There is the fact that it doesn’t seem to run on fuel like most fondue pots, it’s expected to run on like, votive candles or something. There is the fact that fondue restaurants exist in this part of the world if we get really, really desperate for fondue.

But for me none of those facts beat the fact that it takes up like a 4-foot-sqare patch of kitchen cupboard real estate we could use for, well, anything else but a never-used fondue pot. I would rather like, build a diorama of the 1976 Summer Olympics in that cupboard than let this thing live there anymore.

That said, if you have been really, really jonesing for a fondue pot I have decided to offer this one up to the internet friends (yes, after that ringing endorsement) because hey, I don’t know, maybe some people enjoy cleaning burnt cheese out of a ceramic pot! If no one bites by the weekend it goes to freecycle.

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