Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

I Love Sunday.

Filed under Self by at 12:14 pm on Nov 08 2009

I got up, popped my comfy slippers on, went downstairs and ate breakfast, read this fad diet book I might use as a guide, and watched CSI: Miami all at the same time. This is all various delaying tactics to stop me from having to go into the spare bedroom.

Motivation is a funny thing. I have tons and tons of it when I am very specifically in a position not to act. For instance: when I am in the car driving somewhere, when I am about to go to sleep, when I am trapped at my desk at work. During those times I am Totally Pumped and Ready! For things like cleaning house, working out, organizing my music, whatever.

Then Sunday morning hits. Prime GTD time. Uhmmm… what’s on the DVR?

Times like this I contemplate the wisdom of having cable. That said, I just went through three jewelry boxes full of old costume pieces and consolidated the few things I’m keeping into one. I put the rest on Freecycle. It’s one baby step, but that’s good. So really I am getting the best of both worlds today. The world where Frosted Mini Wheats and watching David Caruso act are satisfying, and the one where you accomplish something and that’s satisfying.

I have to remind myself pretty frequently that the latter is way, way more satisfying than the former. Why is that so hard to remember?

9 Responses to “I Love Sunday.”

  1. 1 Christieon 08 Nov 2009 at 10:33 pm

    It’s like you’re reading my mind. I always have tons of motivation when I can’t act on it. And dude, I have had such an addiction to Frosted Mini Wheats ever since Genie mentioned them in her blog as something she was eating while pregnant. I was all – hrm Frosted Mini wheats – I haven’t had those in ages, I should buy some. And we’ve pretty much had some in the house ever since. Oh, and the addiction has expanded to include chocolate mini bites mini wheats (they are really tasty, and have the same amount of sugar as the regular ones).


    Kim Reply:

    Oh man. Now i have to try those chocolate mini wheats. As long as they have the fiber that the regular ones do!


  2. 2 Beckion 09 Nov 2009 at 9:44 am

    I’ve gotten slightly better recently about being motivated. I would have the problem of being at work and having so many ideas of what I wanted to do, then get home and just sit in front of the computer frittering away my time. Then I read something that clicked, which was basically that if I wanted to be doing something, I’d be doing it. It was much more articulate than that, but for now it’s working.


    Kim Reply:

    Yeah! I think about that sometimes, it’s also a yardstick I use to clear stuff out of my house – if I really wanted to knit, I’d be using all this knitting stuff.

    Of course, it’s also something I talk about with my therapist in regards to things like practicing drills for musical instruments. I know you practice harp a fair amount so you must want to do it. But sometimes I really have to force myself to practice guitar even though once I do it I feel good.


    Becki Reply:

    Well, for example, yesterday I had time in the afternoon to practice, but I prefer practicing at night, so I wasted a HALF HOUR online while telling myself, “You have time now! Just do it!”. Ugh.


  3. 3 Meganon 09 Nov 2009 at 1:58 pm

    At this very moment, I have 16 papers to grade and I’m reading your blog instead. I know I’m supposed to tell you about the satisfaction that comes from doing your work, but . . .. um. . . .your blog is better than those papers. . . .


    Kim Reply:

    I will take that as a compliment. :)


  4. 4 CSueon 09 Nov 2009 at 4:45 pm

    I’m supposed to be putting stuff up on eBay to sell, and here I am reading blogs. :> So much for my massive evening to-do list!

    BTW, have you found freecycle works well for you? It’s not full of creepy people, is it?


    Kim Reply:

    So far, I have had no problems with freecycle. Twice in the past 2 days people have come and picked stuff up off my back porch with no strange events. I guess it’s a trust thing. Someone named Bonnie sends me an email claiming she wants my castoff costume jewelry for her niece, and I just have to have faith she’s not actually casing the joint.


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