Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

Request! There’s a new guy on the way to earth*!

Filed under Friends by at 8:39 pm on Oct 20 2009

Hi everyone.

Right now one of my bestest and most longstanding friends (I was in her wedding which was held at our freakin’ high school, for crying out loud) is in labor. I am so excited and happy for her and I am 4 hours away so there’s not much I can do but monitor her tweets ‘n’ stuff. But there is something that I can do, based on a terrific idea my friend Rob came up with.

Tonight and tomorrow, send me photos to with pictures from all over the country (and the world? are you out there world?) of stuff that’s going on on this day that this wonderful kid is born. I will amass them all together and create a present that we all contributed to and that Genie and Rich can have to see your messages or just what was out your window on this day that’s so special to their family.

If you’re really ambitious, apparently there are Orionid meteor showers happening tonight. I know that I know a bunch of Genie’s friends out there, but in case I don’t know them all, please send them this blog post or retweet my tweets so I can hear from all those folks who love Genie! I want as many people to be able to contribute as possible but it’s all a little time-dependent.

When I have stuff I will make a slideshow or a book or both!

Thank you so much! This will be fun. Genie! I’m so happy for you!!

* Well, the part of earth that is outside of Genie’s womb.

One Response to “Request! There’s a new guy on the way to earth*!”

  1. 1 aprilon 21 Oct 2009 at 8:45 am

    yay, go Genie! and Rich! and baby!


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