Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

I wanna be sedated, but the cat doesn’t.

Filed under Cats by at 12:50 pm on Sep 24 2009

Look at all the personality in that face. So much expression! And all of it focused in his prime attitude, “screw off, jerks”. Nicolas is a sweetheart, really…

I was going to spend time this week writing all about my amazing weekend in the Me Ra Koh photography workshop, or even telling you about the fantastic time I had dangling my feet in the healing waters in Berkeley Springs the previous weekend, but Tuesday night I spend all night staring at the kitty.

See, Nicolas does this Taz thing when we take him to the vet, which means that to even tell if he’s a feline they have to gas him. So it was time for his checkup and shots and Tuesday he had all that done.

Apparently though, he “fought sedation” (implying I guess that they had to sedate him heavily) and while I thought he was perky after he got home, late at night he got really, really weird. Me being me, I catasrophized* this and turned it into a 4am trip to the emergency vet, where Nicolas promptly restored our faith in him by recreating his whole Taz impression. Imagine Jack standing there saying, “I’ll hold him while they examine him.” and me looking at him like he’s grown a second head as I back away from the carrier slowly.

It took another 24 hours but he seems to be mostly back to normal now, no more sitting in front of the wall, staring with eyes totally dilated and growling. Hopefully he won’t begrudge me a few hours in front of my computer tonight playing with Lightroom so I can get the photos I took this weekend online!

* Oh good. Catastrophizing linked with early death. HA!

5 Responses to “I wanna be sedated, but the cat doesn’t.”

  1. 1 TAOon 24 Sep 2009 at 1:17 pm

    Glad he’s back to almost normal. I hate those late night vet trips. You always feel so helpless.


  2. 2 Jenon 25 Sep 2009 at 8:54 am

    Oh, well, it’s always an exciting time with Nicolas! I’m glad that he’s shaken all that sedation out of his system. =)


  3. 3 Markon 25 Sep 2009 at 3:53 pm

    Macavity is the same issue. She works herself up so much she’s frothing at the mouth. But lately she’s been getting more affectionate. I’m hoping we can get her to be more calm when traveling.


  4. 4 CSueon 25 Sep 2009 at 7:39 pm

    Our semi-feral cat goes into “paws stuck in my ears la-la-la happy place” mode when confronted with vet appointments (or any kind of being held). He actually buries his head. The one time he really freaked out, though, he almost scragged one of Tom’s eyes.

    Ah, cats. They’re all neurotic, each in their unique way.


  5. 5 12tequilason 28 Sep 2009 at 6:22 am

    We have had to gas our kitty too. At the very least we have to give the disclaimer “he’s never a growling fierce demon-cat at home!” Glad Nicolas is OK.


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