Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

No Full Name, Please

Filed under Living Out Loud,Self by at 2:28 pm on Aug 02 2009

Genie’s latest Living Out Loud project challenges us to talk about our name, or names. Mine is pretty boring, and I like it: Kim. I never harbored fantasies of being a Serena or a Fiona or a Zelda. I like the letter K like it’s the best letter in the alphabet and I have weird attitudes about letters. (See: My strong dislike of the letter B which has no good reason.)

Of course, I was given the name Kimberly. Very few people over the years have used that. My parents, from time to time, although less so now that I’m grown up. But I also have an ex that called me that. Hearing my full name from him was special. It’s a fond memory that I’m glad I still have after that relationship ended in a flaming-train-wreck, collateral-damage kind of way. I have no idea what my therapist would say about it but I kind of prefer to stick with Kim so that fond memory remains.

Of course, there are adulteries of the name people could use. Here is one way to stop being my friend: call me “Kimmy” more than once, after I kindly ask you to stop the first time. Actually, I’ll probably give you a couple of chances, but if you persist, I will think you are a class-A douche.

I am chock full of ideas for names for my own kids. That I have no plans to have yet. Yesterday I told Jack we need to have kids so that I can name them (my secret name idea). I think this means I should continue to only be allowed to name cats and RPG characters for now.

16 Responses to “No Full Name, Please”

  1. 1 Mariaon 02 Aug 2009 at 2:44 pm

    Oooh, one of my favorite sites, in a rubbernecking sense, is the Utah Baby Namer:

    I went by my middle name until middleschool, so my parents and most family members still call me by that name. I never did much feel like either a maria or a nicole (definitely NOT nicky/nikki/etc.), but one or two past relationships have made me ponder attempting to go back to the latter. 😛

    A well-meaning(?) friend once gave me the nickname of Re-re. SO glad it didn’t stick.


    Kim Reply:

    I never was a big fan of my middle name, I mean I love it in that it’s my mom’s name but it also happens to be one of those ubiquitous single-syllable names that was so popular in the 70s (like Lynn). But I wouldn’t trade it! But it never occurred to me to use it.


  2. 2 Meganon 02 Aug 2009 at 4:13 pm

    What is the name of your WoW character? I am always interested in the alternate names people choose for stuff like that.


    Kim Reply:

    My main, highest level character is Pippye. I think it’s because I chose the hairstyle with the braids. But when I very first started playing I chose funny things that sounded like my last name, spelled with every possible alternative letter. It’s something Jack did so I copied him.

    I could go on about character names for days and days! I was just writing this post at 4:30 PM. Of course.


  3. 3 … in a Bottle » Blog Archive » Recap of 7th Living Out Loud project: By any other nameon 02 Aug 2009 at 4:58 pm

    […] No Full Name, Please I laughed out loud at “See: My strong dislike of the letter B which has no good […]

  4. 4 dowdyismon 02 Aug 2009 at 6:23 pm

    Hey hey hey – Eaaaaasy on the B!

    (aka Brad :)


    Kim Reply:

    Hee. One B doesn’t usually bug me but three – like the word bubbles – grates on my ears!! I have no idea why.


  5. 5 Audreyon 02 Aug 2009 at 10:23 pm

    I was once engaged to a man who wanted to name a male child Tron. I wanted a female child named Ariadne. It didn’t work out;P


    Kim Reply:

    Sci-fi and fantasy, really, it is hard to merge those worlds. :)


  6. 6 Beckion 02 Aug 2009 at 11:15 pm

    You are SOOOO not a Kimberly or Kimmy to me. whoa.


    Kim Reply:

    I’m not really to me either. :)

    People who use Kimmy are generally only doing it to be dicks.


  7. 7 Jenna S.on 03 Aug 2009 at 11:24 am

    In my mind you are always Kimber. I hope that doesn’t offend.


    Kim Reply:

    That is a special name for you to use only. Why must you always disclose these delicate details!!!



  8. 8 Jackon 03 Aug 2009 at 4:01 pm

    I bet I’ve called you berly-kim more times than I’ve ever called you Kimberly, and that’s not many.


  9. 9 Moiraon 04 Aug 2009 at 9:19 am

    “That I have no plans to have yet.”

    Yet? As in maybe??


    Kim Reply:

    I always used to want kids, so there’s no sure thing that I won’t want to. I mean I kind of want to, in a “but I don’t want to pay for or parent them but I would if I had to” kind of way. In a “but when I’m old I need someone to take care of me” kind of way. You know, all those ways in which you are not supposed to want kids. :) Oh and of course and in the “I want to name them funny things!” kind of way.

    but like, I have to get through nursing school first and by then my eggs will all dry up or something.


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