Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

More Genetics At Work

Filed under Family by at 8:26 am on Jun 17 2009

This morning I generated what I am sure is a very funny trouble ticket. I got in early this morning and got started and was working a while when I started to smell … something? Burning plastic? Eventually it occurred to me to crawl under my desk and sure enough, the smell was coming from under there somewhere. Long story short, I opened a “computer on fire” ticket. Our tech came down. Found nothing wrong (I had jostled the fan back to life) and couldn’t smell the smell. I’m sure I have a rep now.

This is not my only smell problem at work. The person across from me eats canned tuna every day and it bothers me so much that I get up and take walks when she eats. Other coworkers have said I am “oversensitized” to the smell. That it’s one of those particular things, a matter of taste.

I am confident that they don’t understand that HER LUNCH SMELLS LIKE THE GRAVE AND MAKES ME WANT TO PUKE.

God forbid I ever get pregnant.

I missed Genie’s last Living Out Loud project (here are the results), but sometimes inspiration just doesn’t come. But I’ll post my late answer anyways, because it totally fits!

Every time I smell something that bothers me like this, I am reminded of my father, in a mocking tone, saying “Something smells funny down here!” This is said to needle my mother. Who is always asking what the funny smell is or saying things smell wrong, a trait I have clearly inherited. I open the washer. “Something smells funny in here, did you put in soap?” I open the milk. “Does this milk smell right?”

So the joke is, Dad says: Do you know what they’re going to put on your mother’s tombstone?


10 Responses to “More Genetics At Work”

  1. 1 Genieon 17 Jun 2009 at 8:38 am

    BWAHAHAHA! I’ve always had a sensitive sense of smell and I tell you it’s a handicap sometimes. Dad says that people generate these smells and have no idea how obnoxious they are. He says if that smell were a sound like banging pots together someone would notice and understand but it just falls on “deaf noses”.


    Kim Reply:

    I am going to use this banging pots analogy!!


  2. 2 Beckion 17 Jun 2009 at 9:21 am

    I inherited the smell thing from my mom, too!


  3. 3 Brookeon 17 Jun 2009 at 9:36 am

    Tuna is good for you, and is also delicious! Great source of protein. After a good anaerobic workout I eat a package straight.


    Kim Reply:

    Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love me some tuna – in an appropriate delivery vehicle. Which is fresh – seared steak or in sushi!


  4. 4 Ian M. Irelandon 17 Jun 2009 at 10:09 am

    I’m imagining your sense of smell as being like mine when on a migraine, when it gets amplified about 1000% and cross-wired right into my gag reflex.


    Kim Reply:

    Yeah, that happens too. Ugh.


  5. 5 Meganon 17 Jun 2009 at 2:25 pm

    I have a super-sensitive nose. I can pick up traces of any unpleasant smell like a bloodhound. Lots of perfumes gives me instant headaches. There was a woman who wore Calvin Klein’s Obsession to a 7:30am lecture one semester in college. 7:30AM, for god’s sake! I sat as far away from her as humanly possible and still couldn’t stand it. I blame that woman for the fact that I stopped going to the lecture about mid-semester and almost failed the class. (It had nothing to do with the 7:30am start time and the subject – physics. It was all perfume.) When pregnant, I was ruled by my nose. I had to leave work one day because the smell of my boss microwaved leftover Thai food for his lunch. I turned pale, broke out in a sweat and had to take a sick day. It’s really a pretty annoying super power if you ask me. Next time I want super strong eyesight or kung fu grip like GI Joe.


    Kim Reply:

    I had a perfume offender in my physics class too!!!


  6. 6 Jackon 17 Jun 2009 at 5:29 pm

    I don’t see what the problem is, I don’t smell anything. Are you sure?

    Haha!! Just kidding around.


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