Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

A Little Property Damage & Updates

Filed under health,local,School by at 10:03 pm on May 20 2009

This evening I drove up to the local Chipotle and saw this. I don’t know, maybe something shorted out inside the sign. But it looks like it exploded. Likely it is old news, as I don’t get down that way very often!

In other news, which you probably know from other sources, I slam-dunked the Chem final and thus the course. I now have 7 days to recuperate before Microbiology starts up. Last week I managed to sneak in a lunch with AcornDreaming at the sushi place near work. It never stops being weird to me how you meet someone for the first time but you feel like you’ve already met. I have now had three meetings with a personal trainer and I have got to say, as long as I held off, that is money well spent. I would not know how far to push myself without someone helping me really understand. You know, by making me cry. No, I didn’t cry, I only got close when she made me do lunge-walks with weights.

Stuff about how I ended up with two drum kits set up in the “conservatory” and new albums I’m into and the benefits of being obsessed with procedural TV dramas will have to come later, as I am tired, and want to try going to the gym in the morning when it’s not full of cute little 16-year-old metalheads clanking things!

4 Responses to “A Little Property Damage & Updates”

  1. 1 TAOon 21 May 2009 at 8:13 am

    A trainer is the only way I can get myself to the gym. I hate the gym will all my being. Anyway, enjoy the gym! :-)


    Kim Reply:

    I always wanted to be a gym person. I think the fact that I don’t go to one of those big chains helps. It’s a pretty friendly atmosphere at our gym.


  2. 2 Meganon 21 May 2009 at 8:52 am

    I had that same “meeting someone for the first time, but you feel like you’ve already met” feeling. (That almost sounds like it should be a song title — a really bad song title.)

    We’re going to hook up again soon and chant. I’ve got a call into Hope Bliss.


    Kim Reply:

    I think it helps that we’re both picture-friendly with our blogs. I think the pictures I post don’t get across how goofy I am though, that has to be experienced.


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