Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

Wanted: Kitty Dentures

Filed under Cats by at 8:15 am on Mar 20 2009

Hero (short for Hieronymus) came to us 5 years ago as a 6 year old shelter kitty. He’d been in a foster home for two years (how could anyone foster this cat and not want to keep him?) and prior to that, adopted and rejected. What rough streets he traveled in his youth we will never know. He had the broken fang and we had him checked out and all was well.

Fast forward to Tuesday, wherein I hop out of a meeting to take the vet’s call.

“So, a normal cat has 32 teeth.”


“Hero had 24 teeth out of those.”

“Wow. Oh, okay. I guess he didn’t have a full set when we got him…”

“Out of those 24, we had to remove 14.”

At this point in the conversation, bad things run through my head. But ultimately, our vet is a good guy and wouldn’t do us wrong. He took pictures of the rotten teeth with his digital camera to show us what was up. Hero being Hero has comforted me far more than the other way around in the aftermath of this. He just won’t be stopped from his relentlessly positive outlook. Well, he was stopped briefly when we had to take him back to get a bandage to hold the narcotic patch on his back. But I wasn’t there for that. Apparently our cat is also a Popple and can retract all limbs and his head when he’s pissed.

Anyways, he’s home and despite having ten teeth left, simply cannot wait to get a crack at his old hard food. His face still looks funny and I’m not sure if that’s permanent or if it’s still swollen. Today he gets to take off his purple bandage. I almost wish Jack would wait so I could see how happy he will be. He’s been trying valiantly to lick it off all week.

2 Responses to “Wanted: Kitty Dentures”

  1. 1 Angela @ Lost In Splendoron 20 Mar 2009 at 10:02 am

    Aww! Poor kitty. I hope he’s doing better now. I’m sure he won’t even miss those teeth. I just hope he gets to keep the rest of them!


  2. 2 Hellen CLARKon 23 Mar 2009 at 12:50 am

    I was just on your site and wanted to say I like what you are doing. Keep up the effort and keep the posts coming.


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