Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

From Bulldog to Hokie to Dragon

Filed under School by at 2:23 pm on Jan 28 2009

DuncanMonday I went and picked up my books, student ID, and stuff at Howard Community College. Going there makes me feel a little bit more like I am “going back to school” than going to the Laurel College Center did, although it all boils down to the same thing. It’s like a real campus! With a quad! And stuff! And, come to find out, a real mascot. I was disappointed after seeing the totally cool maroon-and-gold dragon all over posters and things that they didn’t have a single hoodie with a dragon on it. They totally could have stolen my money.

But while I was there getting mumblemumble dollars worth of Chemistry books, I decided to pop into the advising office to check on the status of my transcripts and stuff and just make sure all was in order. While they haven’t processed my transcripts fully, the advisor told me something that I did not know. I could apply for Nursing school – not in the fall, not once my pre-reqs are complete – but today. As in, for entrance in fall of 2009.

This is shocking at first, but knowing that I’ll definitely be wait listed as an out of county applicant puts that in perspective. All my plans involved starting Nursing school in earnest in 2010 at the earliest, and this doesn’t change that. It does set a bunch of planning wheels in motion, however. See, my options are as follows:

  • Apply Traditional (24 month) Evening/Weekend now –> start Fall 2010, try to work part time.
  • Apply Traditional (24 month) Day now –> start Spring or Fall 2010, quit job entirely.
  • Apply Traditional (24 month) in August –> start Spring or Fall 2011, day/night or work/not, depending.
  • Apply Accelerated (13 month) in August –> start Fall 2010, quit job entirely.

So the variables & dependencies are 1. when I apply, 2. traditional or accelerated, 3. when I start and 4. whether I work. I hadn’t really considered any option other than the last two. Having the first two available just means that Jack and I need to have these big financial planning discussions sooner. I still have no intention of entering Nursing school any sooner than Fall 2010, but if I want to try to work and go to school at the same time starting next year – come to find out I’d better apply now!

So I better get that application out the door, eh? Seems a little more real with that happening.

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