Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

Inauguration Blues

Filed under Home by at 5:23 pm on Jan 15 2009

No, I promise, I am really excited about Barack Obama being the next president in a matter of days. I am super happy about that. But for those of you who live outside the metro DC area, you might not be aware that currently it seems like the entire eastern seaboard is experiencing Total Inauguration Panic.

Lots of you know that the most important topic at the water cooler right now isn’t who got kicked off of Top Chef (I don’t know yet!! It’s on the DVR.) or what happened on the Rock of Love bus (I don’t care and worry for the future of humanity) or even how ding dang cold it is. Currently the hottest topic is:

  • OMG How many port-a-potties will there be in DC on Tuesday?
  • OMG how many bridges are closed?
  • OMG what kind of white van is parked ANYWHERE right now??@#@\
  • OMG state of emergency!!!
  • OMG everyone’s favorite band fill-in-the-blank is playing!

So if you want to know how my days have been, I will say “peppered with constant inauguration talk.” And if you want to know if I am going, that is a big, fat, “NO”. I will be under my bed having a panic attack merely thinking about the influx of enraptured citizenry. I am lucky; my boss is understanding and let me take leave. My heart goes out to those who work inside the beltway and are forced to participate. Particularly anyone who works at the Smithsonian which has been mandated to stay open.

If you’re going, just… bring yourself some TP, ok?

One Response to “Inauguration Blues”

  1. 1 Meganon 15 Jan 2009 at 10:19 pm

    When Obama first got elected, I thought “I am taking my children to the inaugeration this year! It’s 8 miles from my house! It’s historic!” Then the reality set in and all the news about no bathrooms, no strollers, no chairs, no coolers, no bridges, no open roads, no space on metro, no underwear (I might be making up that last one, but at this point it could be true.) We’re not going. If I had the money I’d fly us all to Vegas with Ben (who is going for a conference, lucky man.) Instead we’re staying inside. 8 miles from the event. I’ve got TP.


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