Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

It’s the most mumblemumble time of the year!

Filed under Family by at 9:17 pm on Dec 16 2008

The look on my face from 30 years ago is about the same look I have today where it regards The Holiday Season. Just one example: I don’t know what to get people! Some people say they don’t want to get things. I really just want to show people that I love them, and getting things isn’t always the way to do that, but it is a way I enjoy. Another example: My house isn’t decorated because I’m totally out of practice after going to the beach for Christmas two years in a row. (Not that the beach trips were anything to complain about!)

I was telling a friend today that I am going through a shift in my relationship with Christmas. We used to be old buddies – we knew each others’ habits, we had a predictable and comfortable rhythm, and we could gently snark about our excesses while still holding on to the nugget of sincerity behind the whole thing. Now that I’m well into adulthood I’ve been through a few Christmas alternatives: the all-charitable-donation Christmas, the work-overnight-shift Christmas, the destination-Christmas, and a few other things. Christmas and I seem to have both changed and grown apart.

I love the parties. I love wearing my glittery reindeer lapel pin and helping folks trim their trees. I used to love the shopping (having a hard time with that this year, though). I definitely love the music, judging by my 300-song playlist; particularly choral works and anything in a minor key (Emmanuel, Merry Gentlemen)

So what does Christmas mean to me when I’m not coming downstairs and waiting for my dad to have coffee before I can dig into my extra-large novelty stocking? I mean, sure, I’m not a kid anymore. But my inner kid has a vice grip on my concept of the holidays, I’ll tell you what.

I think I just need to sit back, relax, and relish the music and lights, remind my friends and family that I love them, and let Christmas be.

In other familial news: Hey dad! When I grow up I’m going to get glasses just like yours.

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