Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

Purging Thursday

Filed under Purge Thursday by at 10:21 pm on Dec 18 2008

I was listening to my latest audiobook It’s All Too Much by Peter Walsh, when it struck me that the Unclutterer doesn’t have a corner on the market of simplifying your life! I constantly look around the house and see things I don’t use. Sometimes I find I’m avoiding something I want to do in the house, and if I examine my motives closely, I can see that it’s because there might be an actual physical obstacle in the way. I find I’m blind to entire areas of my house because that space are filled with actual items I can’t confront or figure out what to do with. Sometimes it’s for emotional reasons, sometimes it’s just plain habit.

So I’m making a pledge. Every Thursday I’m going to get rid of something. Whether I Freecycle, take it to the thrift store, donate it somewhere else, try to sell it, or simply trash it, I’m gonna try to get rid of something once a week. At some point I want everything in my home to be functional or serve a purpose that I can recognize, easily access, and actually care about.

So here’s this week’s purge. Game BooksI was trying to shelve my school books at the end of the semester, and found that valuable shelf space has been taken up for the past, oh, four years by a stack of video game manuals and guide books from games I have not played in up to ten years. In addition to this I found several books on Crystal Reports (probably at least 5 versions old) from my last job. In my current job I don’t touch that program. And someone tell me what possessed me to buy a guide book for Diablo II? What does it say “click on things!” over and over? I featured the Allegiance book because that has a special place in my heart – my main internet identity for the past decade came from the handle I used in that game. But not so special a place that I can’t trash that. I have the memories. Finally, I recently got Jesus Christ Superstar on DVD. Buhbye VHS!

So now I can keep my Anatomy & Physiology textbook somewhere I’ll actually have it at hand, since I am pretty sure I’ll want to revisit that once I actually enter nursing school. And a little bit of weight of excess useless junk is off my shoulders.

2 Responses to “Purging Thursday”

  1. 1 Meganon 19 Dec 2008 at 3:52 pm

    Good for you. I love getting rid of stuff for exactly those reasons. Sometimes I feel buried by stuff. Unfortunately for me, Ben loves to keep stuff. He is a real pack rat. It makes for an interesting dynamic in our marriage. He brings it in and I take it out.


    Kim Reply:

    I give the whole simple living thing a bunch of lip service, but every journey begins with a step. In my house, I am the pack rat. Jack hates things, refuses to accept presents, and generally owns a desk, a computer, 6 pieces of silverware, four bowls, and his clothes. I don’t know how he doesn’t murder me and burn it all!


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