Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

School Update

Filed under School by at 12:57 am on Dec 06 2008

School report: It’s all over but the very quiet sweating and scan-tron bubble filling in. We had our last lab and lecture. We got to (heh) fill out our course evaluations. That took everyone quite a while. I am trying to let go and be relaxed about the end product. I do want an A but I don’t want to set myself up to lose my mind if that doesn’t happen. So, this weekend I will do the best I can to study. And by Thursday? Miller time.

I’d reckon I have over 8 hours of available study time tomorrow (hope to actually study for half of that) and due to plans on Sunday, probably a bunch less. I need to work on identifying histology slides and details of the chemistry of digestion. I want to take the sample exams online as well.

For some reason I find the slides of hyaline cartilage aesthetically pleasing.

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