Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

Votin’ Day!

Filed under Politics by at 9:23 pm on Nov 04 2008

Jack and I went together this morning to vote. My work is pretty permissive about time and he works from home so often, it was nice to be able to go with him and hang in line. I thought that I would ensure short lines by waiting until mid-day but I was very wrong. The lines moved fast though, and I didn’t even need to get out my Nintendo DS. Most of the other kids had theirs out, which reminded me that I have no recollection of going to vote with my parents. We saw several of our neighbors particularly Stephen and his kids. It was absolutely a picture of old (new?) fashioned American diversity at the Phelps Senior Center.

We were behind some sour-faced folks who did not seem thrilled at our giddy (well, my giddy… Jack doesn’t do giddy) chatterings. The weather was pleasant (at least until we got out of there) and the approximately 100-150 people I saw in line remained steady.

When I got to the booth I actually got a little choked up as I cast my vote. Yeah, yeah, I’m one to tear up at the commercial where the little kid finds a picture of her grandma in her softball uniform, but I was just so excited. I learned a bunch of mess about slots today since that was the most hotbutton thing outside of president on the MD ballot. I am eagerly awaiting the outcome of that one.

Made it through the rest of the day somehow and now am chillin’ at a friend’s taking in the majesty of the comedy central coverage. Rhino and golden helmet?? What??

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