Prosaic Paradise

Campaign for the Mundane

This cold snap is all my fault.

Filed under food by at 11:08 pm on Jan 06 2010

I confess, I know why it’s been so cold. The below-average temperatures are due to hell freezing over.

Last week I went to the store, purchased the materials, came home, and prepared a meal. In our kitchen. That we then ate. If you know me and my indifference or perhaps loathing of cooking, you know this is a biggish deal. I mean, I cook in World of Warcraft all the time. Pippye the druid is very close to her Chef title. But real kitchens require like, timing. That is hard and other people do it better than me, and I would rather enjoy the fruits of their labor!

It all started when I saw this picture on one of my favorite photo blogs. It is a picture of Lefse, a traditional Norwegian bread. I did not make that. No, instead it made me think of when I was a poor new grad and I used to make quesadillas at home by putting two tortillas and some cheese together and eating that.

I’ve come a long way since then, so I had to fancy it up a bit. Since my friend Angela who actually love loves cooking made me fish tacos with tomatillos in them, and I watched this whole process so that I knew “tomatillo” is not code for “poison gross tasting thing”, I decided to have some of those. And some other vegetables. And I got the fancy “holds together in a melting situation” queso. (I cut it with the cheap stuff, because $5 a packet vs $2 for Sargento or whatever.) And finally I spiced up some melted butter and rubbed that on top. Then, into the oven on cookie sheets at a guessworked temperature for a totally unmeasured amount of time, and voila!

I made a few mistakes: randomly cooking avocado slices inside them was gross. (I wanted guacamole but didn’t feel like making it.) I wanted white wine with dinner and we only had Riesling, which is a dessert wine. But if you know me you also know I am soooo indiscriminate about anything having to do with wine (or beer for that matter). I also had some trouble wrangling the jerk cat away from the cooking area.

But all my efforts (?) really paid off because damn if these were not way tastier than Major Chain Restaurant quesadillas. Jack gave them a big thumbs up too, so I’m not just self-justifying.

So I guess I’ll post again in six months or so when I embark on my next cooking adventure.

(A last note for you World of Darkness fans out there: check out the sweet wine glasses that Telf etched for me a long time ago. Recognize that? I don’t even know if that clan exists in the WoD anymore.) (And that is how I bring two gaming references into a post on food. You’re welcome.)

12 Responses to “This cold snap is all my fault.”

  1. 1 Chuckon 07 Jan 2010 at 7:11 am

    (Found from Rob Donoghue)

    Great post — love the vampire glass, love the way to zazz up quesadillas.

    One note: don’t be afraid of the Riesling as something other than a dessert wine. It pairs very well with chicken and pork, especially in spring or summer.

    (Though, the guys at Ravenswood winery in Sonoma were pretty clear: any wine pairs well with any dinner if you like to drink it!)

    — c.


    Kim Reply:

    Hey, thanks for stopping by! I like that theory of wine very much. I pretty much like sweet whites all the time.


  2. 2 TAOon 07 Jan 2010 at 8:22 am

    This is more than a cold snap! If you cook much more we’ll be in an ice age!

    I agree about not being afraid of wine. Start trying something medium sweet and see if you like it. My fav cheap wine white (and it’s not that dry) is Vino Verde from Portugal. If you are at a wine store they should have it.

    Looked like a successful meal! Congrats.


    TAO Reply:

    Ha! I misspelled. The wine is Vinho Verde. Opps.


  3. 3 Jenon 07 Jan 2010 at 8:53 am

    Riesling works wonderfully with white meats. It is our go-to Thanksgiving wine, for instance.

    We should have another family pork chop night sometime. =)


    Kim Reply:

    I am totally on board for family pork chop night!


  4. 4 Paton 07 Jan 2010 at 12:35 pm

    Tabasco is supposed to do that. Actually, any vinegar based condiment will eventually seperate. Just shake it really well and all is good.
    -Ciao bella


  5. 5 Mariaon 07 Jan 2010 at 8:50 pm

    Neat, in Everquest I played a druid with a high cooking skill. Mmm, virtual batwing crunchies and hot cross buns.

    Riesling goes with everything!


  6. 6 Cecilyon 08 Jan 2010 at 12:27 pm

    It looks awesome! I love things in wraps and flat breads. :-)
    I have never thought of Riesling as a desert wine though.


    Kim Reply:

    Everyone’s comments just show how dumb I am about wine. 😀


    Cecily Reply:

    I am available for wine training. :-) Well whites, I can’t drink reds anymore.


    Kim Reply:

    I think for me I am happy to remain ignorant about wine, and just drink whatever I like. :) I usually pick wines based on how much I like the label and whether it’s under ten bucks a bottle.

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